
ClockWork s.r.o.
Kossuthova 42
943 01 Štúrovo
Slovak Republic

Billing Information:

Company ID(IČO): 54042381
EU VAT number: SK2121562663
The company is not subject to VAT.

The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Nitra, Section: Sro, Insert No. 55231/N

Bank connection: FIO Bank
IBAN: SK58 8330 0000 0021 0203 8519

Sales Support Department:

Email: info@millennial.watch
Telefón: +421 949 949 737 766

Supervisory And Supervisory Authorities:

SOI Inspectorate for the Trnava Region, Trhová 243/2, 917 01 Trnava – www.soi.sk